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Modelly analyzes the composition of your collection. So modelly will find similar collections and members that share your interests. Collecting models never was that interesting and inspiring before. Connect with your friends or other collectors and modelly will inform you about every added model in those collections. A very individualized news page will show you interesting adds in other collections, new comments and any offers in the model market that match your interests.
Join some groups and discuss the quality and variants of models you like. Use facebook to promote and share your collection - so you'll get even more visitors and feedback on your modelly collection homepage. Take modelly and the whole huge models database with you, no matter where you are - modelly is not limited to your desktop pc but works great on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. With a very optimized usability for those kind of devices it's pure fun to visit modelly wherever you are!
We're looking forward to your collection and invite you to join the modelly community!