Enjoy your hobby in a great new way

Show your collection and be part of our worldwide community!
  • Showcase your collection on your own Modelly subdomain (yourName.modelly.de) and share your passion with other model enthusiasts!
  • Modelly automatically connects you with collectors who have similar collection priorities!
  • Rate and get rated - great collections and photos are honored on Modelly!
  • Subscribe to other members' collections and don't miss any exciting new arrivals!
  • Leave comments on collections and welcome opinions and praise about your own collection.
  • Modelly offers you statistics about your collection - find out how many visitors your collection attracts every day!
  • Are you missing features? Let us know - Modelly is constantly being developed together with our great community!

And all of this 100% free? (How can that be?)
Yes - welcome to Modelly!

Register now quickly and easily and start managing your collection immediately!

* completely free (optional AI features excluded)
Modelly collection presentation Modelly similar collections Modelly discussions
Modelly similar collections
Modelly discussions

What is Modelly?

Modelly is a portal for model collectors that not only enables the exchange and presentation of collections but also the structured management of your own collection.

  • Receive evaluations and statistics about your collection
  • Modelly recognizes the focus of your collection and shows you similar collections around the world
  • Present your collection on your own subdomain YourNickname.modelly.com
  • And much more...

Why is this all free?

Modelly was developed by model collector and founder Andreas Müller with the aim of connecting collectors around the world. No costs in the form of contributions should stand in the way of this goal. Modelly is therefore designed in such a way that income is generated not through membership fees but through cooperations with model manufacturers or shops.

Modelly is therefore free for collectors - even for large collections. This includes all collection management options.

Discussions, exchanges and much more!

Collecting models is a hobby that is great to share with other collectors. Present your collection, explain why you collect what you collect. Modelly automatically evaluates your collection and determines thematic focuses.

What standards do you collect? Which manufacturers? Do you favor certain colors? Modelly determines this and much more and presents you with the collections that are most similar to your own.

These connections have already given rise to many friendships and inspiring discussions on Modelly. Share and present your model collection on Modelly, delight other collectors and experience your hobby in a completely new way.

After you have set up your collection and Modelly has analyzed what you collect, Modelly will put together completely individual news tailored to your interests. Read comments on models that match your priorities and in collections similar to yours. Modelly offers you an experience that is completely tailored to you and your hobby.

Register now quickly and easily and start managing your collection immediately!

* completely free (optional AI features excluded)