Corvette Coupe (diecast 1:64, Hot Wheels)

  • Corvette Coupe (from 1984)
  • Hot Wheels
  • 1:64
  • Showcase model / No engine
  • diecast
  • white
  • online dealer
  • In near mint condition
  • Original packaging exists
  • Not for sale


This is also known as Corvette Coupe. Although Mattel acquired Corgi in 1989, models never mixed until 1996 when there were several Corgi casting found in the Hot Wheels line-up. This was quite short lived though. Although similar in appearance to '80's Corvette, this model is a former Corgi casting, originally debuted by Corgi in 1983. Based on the mid-'80's Chevrolet Corvette. This casting features an opening bonnet/hood.

Base Color / Type: Black / Plastic

Window Color: Clear

Interior Color: Blue

Wheel Type: Lace Wheel (LW)

Tires Type: Plastic

Moving Part: Open Hood

Rarity: ★★★★☆

Detail: ★★☆☆☆

Worth to loose? Yes.

Author: hwconsign
No responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information
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